Monday 12 March 2012

Weekend activities

Weekend experiences
We spoke to most of our 18 students on Monday morning at school. A lot of the students met up over Saturday and Sunday, but there again several met other members of the family and were made to feel part of the family:

Hannah:  We went to the beach and met up with the others.
Jason:    Did so much in one day: football, rugby, beach, bowling, pizza, walking round town, crepes…
Olivia:  We did a tour by car of other beaches, went to “Mini Hollywood”, saw the market on Saturday, had paella, went to the beach, speaking Spanish – the family is so nice.
Mollie : We watched basketball – our partners play in the same team – met the grandma, who was very friendly, met everyone at the beach
James: played football, lot of fun, weather great: enjoyed going round to where Steven is, eating well…
Xavier:  met all the family
Sam: family very nice, swimming was good.
At school students had a physics lesson and an English lesson, then a couple of Sports lessons; there are 6 lessons per day of 50 mins. There are about 600 students in the school, aged 11-16.
Steve, Livey:   School’s clean, but the kids do talk a lot in class… 

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