Sunday 11 March 2012

Day 2 - the trip to Granada and the Al Hambra

So we set off at 7 am, which meant rising around 6.00 am for most. A couple of hours on the coach to stop at a service station with a zoo with peacocks, lambs, goats, dogs and ostriches, then a further hour or so before we got to Granada. Seeing the Sierra Nevada snow-tipped mountains reminded us of the distance we had travelled  from  the desert –like landscape of Aguilas. We also travelled through Lorca where the earthquake struck a year ago, there are still many cranes in evidence rebuilding the town.
We had a couple of hours exploring the university city, including some welcome free time around the shops. 

Lunch in Granada: Alhambra in top right

whole group outside Granada cathedral

the narrow shopping streets of Granada
Then back in the coach to climb up to the Alhambra, built by the Muslim occupants in the 14th century, and then taken over by the Christians in 1492. Magnificent palaces, 3 of the 7 originals still standing, and a delightful and very informative guide who made the 2.5 hour guided tour very tolerable for the vast majority of the foot-sore. Great views of the glistening white old city below, and building after building to explore amongst the orange trees.  We listened to the guide through radio-controlled ear-pieces, and the kindly guide allowed a few jokers in the group control of the mike in the latter stages. I think Xav and Sam have potential as radio stand-ups!

pointing the way in the massive Alhambra site,
 followed by a number of classic Alhambra views

Radio Xav

Back in the coach soon after 6pm to get home, and a boisterous band of Spanish and English in the vehicle clearly mixing well and getting to know each other for the first time as a group. Great to watch the ice break!    JB
So what did the group make of the day?
Max:  Good time, Alhambra wa great with Xav’s radio show!
Steven: Alhambra was exciting especially in the palace gardens with Xavier’s radio show.
Fran: It was a really good day. It was lovely to have some free time and it meant that we had a chance to get to know the Spanish better. The sunshine was brilliant! I enjoyed the Alhambra because the views were beautiful, and Xav and Sam’s commentary was hilarious.
Katie:  It was OK. The best bit was probably shopping or Xav and Sam’s radio thingy.
Hannah: Was OK, facts about history etc. Free time in Granada was great.

Now to the weekend with the families, news of which on tomorrow's blog!   JB

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